Saturday, November 5, 2016

Can I Persuade Others to Help Me? - Epiphany Foster

When it comes to persuading someone, you're trying to get the person or the audience on your side. Convincing them why your thought, opinion, or choice of doing something is better. I always come across a situation where I have to persuade someone so they wont get themselves in trouble or hurt. In general, I would persuade someone to do the right things and stay out of trouble.One of many issues here in the United States involves smoking. Some people don't realize that they only don't affect themselves but family and friends as well. Smoking leads to cancer and cancer lead to many health issues including death. A smoker will become high risk of getting lung cancer,heart attacks,strokes including other diseases like emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Like I said before, even smoking around family and friend places them at risk of getting secondhand smoke. Being around someone that smokes and inhaling that smoke into your lung places infants, toddlers, children, and adults in the same category. Most importantly,you must know that over 480,000 people die from smoking. So the choice is yours, do you really want to put yourself and your loved ones in harms way? I tell my uncle to always keep your body fit and healthy. Breaking the habit of smoking isn't easy but  decreases your chance of being extremely ill and decreases your chances of having a short lifespan.Put down the cigarettes to save not only your life,but the lives around you. 

Image result for no smoking Image result for no smoking
Image result for no smoking  Image result for no smoking
Do what's right for you and the people.
Love and care for others, pass your reflection of making good choices onto others.