Dear Females(Young Ladies in general:),
I know that your parents and family members will get on your nerves giving you the same speech over a thousand times."Boys are always going to be there." or "There's a time for everything." (trust me there is) but understand you should value the information that has been given to you even if you've already heard it before. Emotional intelligence is responsible for 58% of performance in a lot of different areas, and 90% of top performers are high in EQ. Understand in our world today, (children are having children. ) Think of all the different opportunities that are lost due to bad choices. All the doctors, professor, police officers, and nurses we lose due to the ineligibility to qualify for school because they have to provide for their child. Once you have a child, your instinct is to do by all means necessary to protect that child with your life. Everything you want to do in life such as partying, going to the club, hanging out with friends will all fade in that very moment. You'll be too busy getting a job to afford the babies expenses and too busy babysitting your child, let alone going to school to get an education and providing for your child at the same time. Boys these days only care about what's between your legs believe it or not. There little hormones be up, they care about the attention that they'll get from their boys when they tell them how many girls they slept with. While your crying because you got caught up and believed him all the times he told you he loved you. Those are just words, just like clothes you change on your body both(friends)boys and girls) change too. A person has to show you they commit, value, and respect you for who you are as a young, beautiful, intelligent lady and individual. If you say no and put your foot down(mean what you say), you'll see the difference. Better yet! The next time someone comes up to you, tell them you have morals. goals, dreams, and do not have any time to waste conversating with a low, immature, manipulating little boy with all do respectful, you prefer not to be bothered.You can even tell them your celibate, unless they're for real(9 out of 10 there not!), do not even bother approaching you in that manner even as a friend.Understand when it comes to a relationship, you have to put in time. I am constantly on the go, so if you're not telling me anything worth value to help me succeed, they can keep it pushing. I don't care if I hurt their feelings or if they call me names, at the end of the day: you have to do what's best for you and your future. Do what makes you happy and make you feel comfortable with your conscience. Make wise/smart decision and think about it hard and long before you reply or make a quick move because that one decision can change your entire life. Think about the consequences that lie ahead before every action and every decision you make.You only live once and once you mess that up, you can't get it back. So have fun but do it in a safe manner, this world will chew you up and spit you out(creating another statistic) don't become a clone, repeat, or a follower. Become your own flower, your own seed.